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SimaPro in the UK

Privacy Statement


We strive to support society's progress towards sustainability by being an
ethical, sustainable supplier of SimaPro sustainability software in the UK. 

We do not track you when you use this website. SimaPro software
does not track you or collect personal data. We do not process data
on you or supply information about you to any parties outside our SimaPro
network. If you contact us
we simply use your contact details to help you
with your enquiry. If you are a customer of the services we provide,
we simply use your contact details to provide you with your services.


In short, we apply common sense to behave in the way you would expect.



We strive to meet ICO recommendations for data protection best practice.
We securely protect data. We do not sell personal data. We do not provide personal data
to outside organisations. We do not collect more data than the basic information
required to be of service to the SimaPro community.

General contact: orders @

SimaPro orders: orders @

SimaPro support: support @

SimaPro training: training @

Accounts/finance: orders @


Whichever email address you send your enquiry to,

we will pass your enquiry on to the right person.











SimaPro Developers

SimaPro is a registered trademark of PRé Sustainability BV in the Netherlands:

UK customer service contact: orders @

Please use your organisational email address rather than gmail
(gmail sometimes rejects business replies)









We have been providing SimaPro in the UK for over 20 years.
SimaPro was founded in the Netherlands.

The name SimaPro stands for Systematic Environmental Analysis of Products
(in Dutch: SIstematische Milieu Analyse van PROducten).


Copyright Sustainability in Metrics 2025

Contact Details and Privacy Statement


UK location: London, UK

UK VAT number: GB104308558

UK company registration number: 07465558

Netherlands location: Amersfoort, NL

SimaPro locations around the world:


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